
Friday, August 15, 2014

Nuclear Talk With Iran Unlikely To Conclude By November

A final comprehensive and wide-ranging nuclear agreement with the 5+1 nations was unlikely to be finalized by the November 24th deadline, according to Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

According to the a report from the Parliamentary News Service, the Foreign Minister was quoted saying "if there's a general agreement on the various issues of the nuclear negotiations, there's still a need to discuss the details." Jarif proceeded by claiming the obvious which is that it is highly unlikely anything will conclude before the end of the four month span.

Iran and the P5+1 group of nations which basically comprises of France, China, Russia, U.K, U.S plus Germany were unsuccessful in reaching a deal after 16 days of talk in Viena in July and instead had agreed to a new November 24th deadline. U.S negotiators and Iran had met on August 7th hoping to inject momentum into the talk but it looks like this was in vein. 

Zarif continued in letting the world know it was the West who were hindering things and making it tough to successfully conclude the talks with a deal. Of course it is Iran who is dragging its feet and would like to keep as many centrifuge as possible so they could covertly keep up their work toward nuclear weapon capacity.

The Supreme Dictator, Ayatollah Ali Kameini, for his part, is supporting the nuclear negotiation as long as Iran is kept on course to having nuclear bombs. Meaning unless the West give in and allows Iran to keep most of its material, I doubt a deal can be broken between the nations negotiating on the issue.

Conclusion: The West should cease all these diplomacy and tell Iran it's either they give up their entire Nuclear material or more sanction will come bearing on top of them. The West should also let them know they have the right to bomb these facilities since Iran has continued to work toward the bomb as the negotiation is in process.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Iran bans women from watching World Cup Football and Volleyball

True to form, the ridiculous Iranian government in Tehran is attempting to bar Iranian women sports supporters from cheering on the nation's Football and volleyball team in public, alluding to concern over immorality as an excuse.

Last week, more than a dozen disappointed Iranian women and girls camped right outside Tehran's Azadi Stadium's closed gates. Their only demand to the regime was a chance to cheer on the Iranian Volleyball team during its game against Brazil. But because of the Iran's Islamic rule, these women were all banned from attending the match.

Whenever stories such as this one is brought up to the attention of people living in other countries, especially western countries, many raise their eyebrows in shock. How can such a thing be happening in any country.The sad part about all of this is that it was only Iranian women who were not allowed at the Brazil vs Iran Volleyball match while visiting Brazilian women were not only able to get in the stadium but sit comfortably next to men and cheer on the Brazilian Volleyball team.

Iranian sports fans in general are experiencing more obstacles than usual when it comes to watching the sports they love. Cinema owners had wished to organize screening for the current World Cup Football games but the commander of Iran's security service, General Ahmadi  Moghadam, declared right away that males and females would not be allowed to watch these football match in the same Cinema halls. After it was announced that the sexes would have to be separated, Cinema owners give up on their plans.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Iranian mother forgive and stop hanging of son's killer

In a frantic last minute change of heart, the life of a convicted murderer who was about to be hang was spared by the victim's mother. 7 years ago, Balal, the condemned man's name, was accused of stabbing to death 18 year old Abdollah Hosseinzadeh during a street fight in the small town of Royan. 

Because Iran is under strict Islamic Sharia law, the victim's parent were to decide and participate in the killer's punishment..ei, if by hanging, they had to push the chair on which he stood.

Fortunately, in Mr. Balal's case, something of rarity took place in public execution in Iran, a country that puts more people to death than any other countries apart from China. The victim's mother, approached the convict killer, slapped him in the face and then proceeded to forgive him for killing her son, thus sparing his life and end the execution.

The photos below taken by Arash Khamooshi of the semi-official  Isna news on Tuesday, shows a good depiction of what happened and what followed next after the man was dramatically pardoned.

Mr Balal was to be hanged for killing an 18 year old 7 years ago

Instead of pushing the chair which would had led to Mr. Balal hanging, the victim's mother decided to slap him and then forgave him.

Rope is being removed after his life was spared

The mother of the convicted killer embraces the victim's mother to thank her for sparing his son's life.