Ron Paul, the libertarian-minded GOP Presidential candidate who has until recently gained in the Iowa polls, is one of the most insane-sounding candidate i can remember to ever run for the White House. Matterfact, i'll take back my first statement and say with 100% confidence that Mr. Paul is in fact the most insane sounding AND looking candidate to ever challenge for the Nation's Highest Office.
Mr. Paul conspiracy theory-tales about the evil American Empire wanting to steal Muslim oil is nothing more then crack-head crack-pot talks and such rhetorics should quickly disqualify any candidates who speak of them in front of a national audience.! I frankly don't believe he should be allowed to attend any more televise debate because the man is a complete embarrassment to all Americans who loves and served this Nation
Listening to this man position on foreign policy, specially regarding Iran , is not only outright ridiculous but disrespectful and unpatriotic. In contrary to the latest IAEA nuclear report which indicates Iran nuclear activities is very suspect at best, Mr Paul suggest that there is no indication that Iran is trying to get its hands on nukes.
. But Mr. Paul's foolish rhetorics does not stop here and even goes further by suggesting anyone who shows any concern about Iran's nuclear activities are all just fear-mongering in the hope of launching War War 3 to kill Muslims
As you can see above, on the youtube video, this idiot(Paul) is on Russian TV bad-mouthing his country and being used as propaganda-tool to justify American-Hatred by radicals all across the world.
I'm sure Russian Dictator Vladimir Putin who's just got done stealing some votes for his mafia United-Russia party , loves Ron Paul....Hugo Chavez , the Venezuelan Dictating strong-man feels the same.
Ron Paul is basically a "blame America first" candidate who is running for the country's highest office by trying to convince the electorate that America is evil and American-haters have a case in hating America so much. The idea that such a man could go on and win the GOP nomination and possibly be elected President , is like a monstrous nightmare of enormous calamity never dreamed before by any living souls in the whole universe.
Ron Paul , obviously knows nothing about the current Iranian regime because if he did, he would not be painting the mullah in better light then the U.S...This is a regime who does not even believe in giving its own citizens basics rights , rights that Mr Paul obviously takes for granted...The basic rights of a fair vote which was denied to the Iranians people in 2009 in which millions of them took to the streets to protest this grotesque thievery of the election.

The Iranian despicable regime did not only stole its people's vote, but after the people demonstrated against the thievery , the regime decided to unleash its thugs named "basij" to beat down, shoot, rape, imprison and torture anyone who dare speak against them:

I wonder whether Mr Paul is aware that the current Iranian regime was the main culprit behind the 1983 terrorist attack on the American barracks in Lebanon...241 American soldier 58 French soldiers perished that day. I guess all of that means nothing to Ron Paul who insist this regime is very peaceful and it is the U.S who at fault.
What upsets me about this crazy-looking old man named Ron Paul is the fact that he arrogantly thinks there's nothing wrong with his unpatriotic foolish foreign policy talk. According to Mr.Paul, he's the real patriot and anyone who oppose such speaks are the real unpatriotic American.
The good news is, eventhough Mr Paul is surging in Iowa, it is still very unlikely he could win the GOP nomination.His upward surge in Iowa has to do with the fact that he's been running for president for the past 8 years and has a lot of campaign infrastructure that is still in place since his last run 4 years ago. Another possibility for his surge is the fact the list of GOP candidates really stink. Front-runners like Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney have a lot of baggages . Even if Mr Paul were to win the nomination, he would must likely lose in a landslide because his view would be seen as extreme and fringe-like in a general electorate.
My final conclusion is, Mr. Paul needs to lay off the anti-America conspiracy blog he's been reading off the Internet AND he definitely needs to get off whatever drug he's on because you see, Paul believe all drugs should be legalize.
Posted on BombIranEvilRegime Blog
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